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{{ item.acf.wartosc }} {{ offerValueDesc(item.acf.value_desc_pl, item.acf.value_desc_eng, item.acf.value_desc_ukr) }} {{item.acf.cena}} PLN/M.
+{{ addonesPrice.toFixed(2) }} PLN/M.
{{ regularPrice.toFixed(2) }} {{ finalPrice.toFixed(2) }} PLN/M.

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Zostaw maila, sprawdzimy nasze możliwości techniczne i odezwiemy się do Ciebie, kiedy będziemy mogli Cię podłączyć do sieci

Your adress:{{' '+ locations.street+' '+locations.number+', '+locations.city}}. do you want to change it?

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Service failure? Let us know via customer panel!


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Breakdowns and turnoffs

Nobody likes internet outages. Especially the unplanned ones. That’s why in case of situation, when we know there will be one – we will let You know. Please let us know too, if the service does not work well. Entry form can be found below.

No internet only at Your home / flat


No internet on the staircase and the entire building

Contact the administrator or building’s owner

No internet on the whole street or neighbourhood

It’s probably a scheduled turnoff or breakdown

Works and turnoffs status

As Goethe said that „He who moves not forward, goes backward”. We don’t want to go backward, that’s why we bet on development. And the first step to enhance and expand our network are modernization works. Check the list of locations, where we plan to do it.

status Address planned start of work planned completion of works
Niezaplanowane Wrocław, ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 117 2024/09/19, 10:30 2024/09/19, 15:30
Zaplanowane Warszawa, ul. Przedmiejska 2 2024/09/26, 08:30 2024/09/26, 13:30
Zaplanowane Wrocław, ul. Bogatyńska 18 2024/09/26, 08:30 2024/09/26, 13:30
Zaplanowane Wrocław, ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 117 2024/09/26, 08:30 2024/09/26, 13:30
Zaplanowane Wrocław, ul. Obornicka 76f 2024/09/26, 08:30 2024/09/26, 13:30
Zaplanowane Wrocław, ul. Przedmiejska 2024/09/26, 08:30 2024/09/26, 13:30
Zaplanowane Wrocław, ul. Przedmiejska 2 2024/09/26, 08:30 2024/09/26, 13:30
Zaplanowane Wrocław, ul. Przedmiejska 2a 2024/09/26, 08:30 2024/09/26, 13:30
Zaplanowane Wrocław, ul. Przedmiejska 4 2024/09/26, 08:30 2024/09/26, 13:30
Zaplanowane Wrocław, ul. Przedmiejska 4/64a 2024/09/26, 08:30 2024/09/26, 13:30
Zaplanowane Warszawa, ul. Przedmiejska 4 2024/09/26, 08:30 2024/09/26, 13:30
Zaplanowane Wrocław, ul. Przedmiejska 4/43 2024/09/26, 08:30 2024/09/26, 13:30